Not many parents get to watch their future son-in-law propose to their daughter…..but that’s exactly what GG and I got to witness recently. Our daughter Kirsty has been going out with Mark for nearly four years. They met through amateur musicals and so it was fitting that the proposal took place in a theatre, in this case the iconic Olympia Theatre in Dublin (Ireland), in front of a small group of friends and family.
With the help of our other daughter Courtney, her boyfriend (also called Mark) and four musical friends (Orla, Steve, Aoife and Damien), Mark had planned a musical proposal based on their “courtship”. (I know I am showing my age now; that word went out with the ark).
Mark had got Kirsty there on the pretext of a backstage tour of the theatre with another couple on a Friday afternoon. They were on a kind of a magical mystery tour and all had just had manicures…..this guy thinks of everything. Little did she know what awaited her. They were greeted at the stage door by Aoife (obviously in on the “act”) who brought them through to the auditorium and asked them to sit and wait until some others arrived for the ‘tour’ also.
Mark being his usual effervescent self, bounded onto the stage and Kirsty sat there, thinking he was acting the fool and would get them kicked out. The story of boy meets girl began and Kirsty sat and watched, wondering what was happening and realised gradually that Mark was telling their story and her friends were acting it out. The play/musical told of their first meeting (not very promising) their first date and so on. Emotionally, Mark called Kirstin (his leading lady) to the stage, as the others exited and asked her to be his wife.
Both families hiding in the dress circle clapped and cheered as Kirsty accepted. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Even GG, the old softy, had a tear or two. The celebrations continued in the wonderful Fiorentina restaurant on Parliament Street. Exhausted with keeping the secret for nearly two months, GG and I hit the hay early …with all the excitement too much for oldies like us!
Thanks to Evan Doherty for capturing the magical day with his camera and professional eye.
Hallo Sportfreunde!Eric Breitfeld hatte mir schon vor 2 Wochen den Turniertermin 12.05.2012 genannt.Der SV Oberschöna würde gern wieder beim Sandturnier mitmachen. Am 7.05.2012kann ich den Termin mit der Mannschaft absprechen.Mit freundlichen GrüßenKarsten Ritter
Sà señor. En la lucha, siempre en la lucha. Y en todos los frentes posibles para investigar, avanzar, resolver, curar, luchar, resistir, sanar.Un beso bien fuerte, Rafa.
If information were soccer, this would be a goooooal!
Hi Sharon,I'm loving this lace crazy patchwork project! You probably have boxes and boxes of laces, but if you ever run out, let me know, as I have a big box of laces that I am happy to share with like-minded craft people. Whenever I find some lace at an opshop, I always send a length to Pam Kellogg, as you would know she is a lace-lover extraordinaire!The last minute addition of the button to this block certainly makes a difference; it was gorgeous before, but the button adds a finishing touch to the whole block somehow.
Aw =) I'm glad you all liked the review! I know Maja's already read it (and is the reason I picked it up!) but Nat and Ikhlas, you guys totally should get it! Sooo good.And yes, I am still attempting to teach Jay to sleep with the lights all on lol. So far — not going so well. Will keep trying =P.
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
Sobre o primeiro parágrafo do texto: tem alguma mentira, uma que seja?Parece que gostam de sofrer. Kia e MSI quebraram o clube deles e, agora, voltam como salvadores da pátria. Como memória é artigo raro lá pela marginal sem número…
I tried that in college. Then absentmindedly on day 29, I ate a bacon wrapped shrimp at an open house. You should pick up a copy of “The Vegetarian and the Butcher.” Incredibly well written and an amazing read (I blazed through it in two days)..-= Garrett´s last blog .. =-.
Eben, am Ende kann man mit so ziemlich allem gute Musik machen. Das Talent sitzt immer vor dem Mikrofon, vor der Software, etc..
Ab fab my goodly man.
chef javi yet again outdid himself! this was one of the most festive dinners i've had in a very long time. great candids! Miguel & Noel- thanks again for organizing it. -jojo