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Flutter those lashes!
Wednesday, 05 October 2016
by Hilda
Finding a good mascara is a bit like searching for The Holy Grail. It can be a problem at any age, but it becomes even more difficult as we get older. Why? It’s one of the ‘joys’ of ageing. Think of the changes happening to our skin as we age; well, apply the same
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
Lip smackingly good lipstick!
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
by Hilda
My late mother-in-law would not come downstairs without first applying her lipstick. She always said she did not feel dressed without it. I am far lazier, but I see the difference that the right shade of lipstick makes to my face. And the older I get, the more I seem to need it and the
- Published in Home, News, Style & Beauty