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Bewley’s Cafe Tour – a trip down Memory Lane
Monday, 01 July 2019
by Hilda
Bewley’s was the place where I spent quite a lot of time in my student days back in the ’70s. I studied English in TCD, which meant only a few hours of lectures and lots of time for reading. Of course, I could have studied in the College Library, but my friends and I preferred
- Published in Friends and Family, Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News
The Farmhouse Cafe Tickles the Taste Buds
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
by Hilda
They say that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and that would certainly be the case with The Farmhouse Café on the Long Mile Road in Dublin 12. Next to an Aldi store and surrounded by the likes of car dealerships, carpet showrooms and bathroom outlets, its location is hardly salubrious, with an
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News