Those of you who are regular readers know that I am always careful in recommending beauty treatments and products, because I believe that we all have different skin and concerns. I can only explain to you what my skin is like and tell you my results and thoughts. But I have come to realise that there are experts in this area whom we need to consult, to get the proper advice according to our individual needs.
I was thrilled when Jeanne Brophy asked me if I would like to come into her salon in Clontarf for a consultation. Like me, the salon does not believe in one-size-fits-all and delivers very much a bespoke treatment addressing clients’ individual concerns and problems.
First of all, following a discussion and examination of my skin, my therapist Valerie (having complimented me on my skin) decided I had three issues:
1. Superficial dryness
2. Laxity or sagging
3. A need to improve skin health
She used a lactic acid-based peel to exfoliate, hydrate and improve its texture.
Then an Image Sheet Mask was applied.
and I was put under the Dermalux tri-wave LED to promote hydration and to give me a ‘glass-skin‘ look on leaving!
You can see what it looks like from the photo above. It is completely painless and it claims to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, keeping the skin firm and plump.
Here is some background to it:
Dermalux® LED Phototherapy is an award-winning, non-invasive treatment that harnesses the power of light for visibly radiant, rejuvenated and refined skin.
It energises skin cells to revitalise a dull and tired complexion. A course of treatment stimulates the skin’s natural rejuvenation and repair processes to promote healthy-looking skin, accelerate cell renewal and resolve a range of skin concerns.
Below, you can see ‘before’ and ‘after’ treatment pictures. I gave you a good smiley face, so you can see all my wrinkles. There is a good reason why Victoria Beckham chooses not to smile!!!
But the treatment was not the end.
I was gifted some take-home products to use in conjunction with it:
I was very excited to use this product as I have heard so much about retinol, and I wondered if it would live up to the hype.
Retinol, otherwise known as Vitamin A, helps to speed up the natural exfoliation process and promotes collagen renewal within your skin. (Collagen is what keeps our skin elasticated and looking young.) Once our collagen stores begin to dwindle, we need to do everything we can to hold onto them. And that my friends is no easy task.
This Image product contains 3% retinol which I believe is quite high. It claims to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles through time-released hydration and to help with skin firmness.
It also helps reduce pigmentation.
I used the mask every three nights and experienced no flakiness, as is seemingly common with some retinol products. That, I believe, is to do with some of the other ingredients. I am not going to blind you with science that I don’t understand myself!
The other product was SkinCeuticals Correct H.A Intensifier, a serum product which is all about boosting the hyaluronic acid levels in the skin. There is a lot of science behind this product and SkinCeuticals is known for its rigorous and extensive customer research. I am not going into all the ingredients, but what you need to know is that this formula is able to boost the hyaluronic acid levels by 30%, which leads to a prevention and filling of wrinkles, a hydration boost and an increase in firmness levels.
The texture is sticky and viscous and heavier than any other serum I have used and the purple colour is a bit off-putting at first. But it goes on very easily. I use this morning and evening followed by my own moisturiser. And of course sunscreen during the day,
I have been using these products for five weeks and I am very pleased with the results. There has been an improvement in all areas of concern. My skin is brighter, more hydrated, therefore fewer lines and less wrinkly wrinkles and they have achieved (along with the treatment) what no other products have achieved.
And that is an increased firmness around my jawline.
These products and treatments might not be within everyone’s budgets but even if you cannot afford the products, get to see a proper facialist/professional who can advise you what you really need. Otherwise, you are fumbling about in the dark, buying products because a friend recommends it, or you like the ad.
A good facialist/professional such as Jeanne Brophy can advise you on the best products in your budget range and work out a series of treatments to help you bring your skin to its optimum level.
I am realistic about ageing, but we all want to look as well as we can. Am I right? As well as drinking lots of water (not wine), getting 8 hours sleep a night and using sun factor I advise you to go to an expert. You only have one face and you are never too young or too ‘old’ to start.
While my treatment and products are gifted, all content is my own and my views and opinion are completely honest.
You look amazing Hida,
I can clearly see a huge difference underneath your eyes. And your skin appears so smooth and beautiful.
Thank you Rosemary. I couldnot work out how to put the photos beside each other!!!!
I love reading about hi-tech facials and I’m writing about one myself on Wednesday that also features SkinCeuticals. There’s a surprise for you Hilda over at my blog.
Gail, thank you. I will head over and will be interested in reading your review.There is quite an amount of science behind their products which impressed me.
Well you had me all the way until you said to drink water, not wine! 😉
Beautiful post Hilda. Thank you for sharing. Xx
You Know me Loretta, I am great at the theory!!!
Great overview Hilda!
Very keen to explore more about the firming up the jawline!
I can see an improvement even though it may be slight.
Hi, Hilda
I’m so happy for you that you were able to receive this service and treatments and that it is working for you! My dermatologist told me no retinol, no peels, no scrubs, no masks even. For my delicate, sensitive skin she recommended the gentlest and purest of products. She does, however, give me treatments that can help with my particular needs. So, yes, we are all different. But the good thing about your experience is that it started with a personal consultation. It was interesting to read about your experience and especially to see the photos. Wow!
Thank you Angie. Yes I know that the products differ from one professional to another, but at least they are treating your individual problems. Also most consultations (not all) I have had come up with a similiar diagnosis. I do see a difference with the retinol and the stronger HA. I have used HA before and loved it.
Looks like a great treatment! I have had similar in Australia by my neighbour who is a beauty therapist and used me as a guinea pig. Apparently I have skin tough as boots although it looks sensitive!
Well for old boots it looks good!!!!
Darn! Water, not wine??kidding kidding! I drink around 80oz a day, as I love ice cold water. Beautiful Kelly green coat btw💕
These treatments sound good and the after has a glow about you. I have been using Retinol for over a year and it does make a difference! I’d like to try a peel sometime. Sounds like a good experience!
Jess xx
What retinol product do you use? This one is gentle but effective. Thanks for commenting.
A great post Hilda and very informative. I love your before and after photos as they really do show an improvement. I have a girlfriend who gave me a bit of advice when I turned 50 – she said that for every year, we must step one inch further back from the mirror and we’ll always look good! Yes, she’s a bit of a joker, but I understand her logic. Gone are the days where I peer deeply at my face – the truth is too painful!
Anna I love your friend and it is good advice. There are certain lights that are far more flattering than others, I want to keep one in my handbag…
Loved this post. I have read lots about the SkinCeuticals Correct H.A Intensifier serum plus, their Vit C plus C E Ferulic. I use Timeless serums and it’s a pain having to get them shipped from the US – though they do last a number of months. I have been using Retin-A (tretonion) for three years now – it does take your skin a while to adapt to it.
Alison thank you for taking the time to comment. I love hearing what worked for others. In many ways it is not about trying to look younger, but about looking after what I have got.
You look amazing, Hilda. I need to investigate. I think my skin is pretty good so far but I haven’t ventured in to any of these types of products yet. Sharon xo
Your skin looks amazing. I think that the most important thing is to get the right advice. I am lucky to have had great advice and had treatments from amazing people. Then you need to continue with the treatments. I tend to finish a sequence and then move on. Now I have abandoned one half way through as it did not suit me at all….