‘January Blues’ seemed an apt prompt for this month’s ‘Style Not Age’, as I have been feeling below par. You know how it is. Too much indulging over the Christmas season. We put the tree up at the end of November and that meant we started on the mince pies even earlier than usual.
But when January 1st came, I said, ‘No More’ and tried to get some discipline back into my life. I did not give up drinking wine. I can’t do DRY JANUARY, but I did cut back HUGELY. Plus there was no indulging in goodies either. Why are they called goodies when they are so bad for you? So, I went cold turkey on sweets. I don’t even like those Celebrations boxes, but I ate them. It was totally senseless eating.
I was on a mission to get back to healthy eating. Then the first two weeks were just horrible, with lots of rain and grey skies. And nothing gives me the blues as much as grey skies.
Eventually, we had a short respite of frosty, bright days. My mood improved, but now it is back to grey again. For the first time I really felt it would be good to escape to a sunnier country.
My pics were taken on a cold day, but we had blue skies.
The wrap dress was bought in Kildare Village Outlet for €80 I have several dresses from LK Bennett and love the fit. Boots are a few years old from Marks and Spencer and the hat is old Mango. And my cute leather clutch bag is by Irish designer Julie Peelo.
Emma looks very cosy indeed in her M&S outfit. Look at the coat and jumper. What a gorgeous shade of blue. You can pop over to The Style Splash to learn more.
Poor Anna has been very unwell since before Christmas with one of the horrible viruses that has been doing the rounds. So she has a very good excuse for the ‘January Blues’. You can check out her outfit and her health at Anna’s Island Style.
Look at the beautiful blues on Gail that are so perfect for her colouring. Can you guess which item she purchased in the children’s section? You can find out in her post at Is This Mutton.
Jacqui has combined some lovely lighter tones of blue with a fabulous patterned jacket. And, of course, you can find out what Jacqui has been doing on Mummabstylish.
I hope the January Blues have not affected you. As for me, I am definitely in a better place than I was at the beginning of the month. My healthy sensible eating is back on track and I am feeling less sluggish. However, my recent blood tests came back with a few red flags. So I am taking steps to return to full health. More on that another time.
Spring is near.
Thanks for reading as always.
Hilda xx
Love the challenge, don’t we all look happy in our ‘blue’ outfits! Have a super week. Jacqui x
We all did really well, xx
It is very cold isn’t it, and so boring grey. I have enough of it too. Lovely dress though!
Thanks Nancy. I needed cheering up….
January is Over tomorrow and I can’t say I enjoyed it!Was in bed the entire month sleeping with Pneumonia!
Spring can’t come fast enough for me!I noticed through a window some bulbs were blooming yesterday!!!
I havenot had wine in years due to medications!The sweets I had no taste for this year!You know I’m sick !!!
You ladies look Smashing♥️
I feel for you Elizabeth. So horrible to feel so unwell. Big hugs
You should come and escape to the sunny Algarve, Hilda! It’s bright and sunny with gorgeous blue skies but very cold indoors and in the shade brrrrrrr.
Love the dress. I had one similar but I gave it away because the print didn’t do much for me at the time.
Suzy xx
Love The Algarve. xxxx
Lovely dress and boots! We have had a lot of rain and cloudy days here and it hasn’t been great for my eating and moving habits. I just decided with encouragement from Gail that I am going to challenge myself to walk every day!
And you will feel better in every way. xx
I love your classic wrap dress! Such a stylish look with the hat and tan accessories. I’ve had enough of winter now, I’m impatient for spring!
Emma xxx
Your wrap dress is fab and you look adorable as ever in it – I love how you always have a quirky take on these challenges, this time with the stylish hat!
You are kind ANNA XX