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Health Checks for Women Over 50
Monday, 10 June 2019
by Hilda
Most of us tend to avoid doctors and health checks in our younger years unless there is some specific reason to book an appointment. But when we reach 50 or so (and have been lucky enough to stay healthy) it is definitely time to schedule some health checks. Much as we hate to admit it
- Published in Health & Wellbeing, Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News
An angry, fierce and heartbroken Jennifer Halliday speaks out
Monday, 12 February 2018
by Hilda
Jennifer Halliday is fierce. Jennifer is angry. Last week, I shared Marie Carberry’s story HERE; this week, you can read how the disease Alzheimer’s impacts family members, but Jennifer is angry about more than that. I dare you not to be moved by what she has to say and if you feel strongly about it,
- Published in Friends and Family, Health & Wellbeing, Home, News, Rants and Random Thoughts