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‘Style Not Age’ does My Favourite Autumn Trend
Monday, 28 October 2019
by Hilda
What is your favourite Autumn trend? Or do you have one? Even if you are not trend driven, it is impossible not to be aware of what is trending. I’m all for experimenting in the safety of the dressing room, but I don’t necessarily buy into many of them. However, each season brings new trends
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
Pastels as worn by our ‘Style Not Age’ group
Sunday, 28 April 2019
by Hilda
Wearing Pastels is our ‘Style not Age’ challenge this month and that is, indeed, a challenge for me, because regular readers know that I do not have many pastels in my wardrobe. However, I do like pastel colours when I think of decor and houses. I normally associate pastels with babies (think baby blue and
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
The shirt a wardrobe staple -‘Style not Age’ challenge
Monday, 25 June 2018
by Hilda
Jacqui’s shirt challenge ‘The Shirt a Wardrobe Staple’ got me counting the number of shirts in my wardrobe. Dozens, literally dozens. My ‘go to’ daily wear is skinny jeans and a shirt, usually worn outside and covering the bum. This month is a little different as Jacynth from The Bias Cut kindly gifted us each
- Published in Friends and Family, Home, News, Style & Beauty
Tagged under:
annasislandstyle, Gibson & Birbeck, mummabstylish, shirt, stylenotage, stylesplash, the bias cut