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Kimono trend is here to stay
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
by Hilda
A kimono can transform an ordinary pair of jeans and a top into something extraordinary. It can add a certain allure to a dress and I have seen it raise a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on a young concert-goer to a completely different level. Many of us use it to cover a not-so-pert
- Published in Friends and Family, Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
A special love affair like no other-becoming a granny
Wednesday, 07 December 2016
by Hilda
I never thought I would be a besotted granny! I like babies (well, I had two of my own) but I was not the type that stops stranger mums with prams and gushes about the baby. I have a friend who does that and who ruins many a good power walk with her antics.
- Published in Friends and Family, Home, Love & Relationships, News, Rants and Random Thoughts