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Life’s A Ball with ‘Style Not Age’ Challenge
Monday, 24 September 2018
by Hilda
The theme for this month’s Style not Age is ‘Life’s a Ball’. ‘You feel very romantic when you’re in a ball gown. Everyone should wear one once in a while.’ – Carolina Herrera (dress designer) Nowadays we have very few occasions when we (as in ladies) can wear what is considered to be a ‘ball gown’.
- Published in Home, News, Style & Beauty
Tagged under:
annasislandstyle, Ball gowns, dresses, folkster, mummabstylish, style not age challenge, stylesplash
Mother of the Bride Dress Search continues in Harvey Nichols
Saturday, 19 May 2018
by Hilda
I have to admit that I had never been into Harvey Nichols or Harvey Nicks until the stylist daughter sent me there on the ‘search for the dress’. WHY had I not ventured into the shop before? Because, I thought it was too EXPENSIVE! I was pleasantly surprised. Ok, I had been looking at some
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
Shaws wows with Style and Prices!
Wednesday, 11 April 2018
by Hilda
Shaws Department Store in Roscrea was where I spent my first wage packet. I had a summer job in a local chemist doing an inventory of the storeroom and stacking shelves, so I headed to Shaws and purchased the most amazing pink bell-bottoms. Well, it was 1971! Shaws was the ‘go to’ shop in the
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
What I wore in 2017 in my fashion round-up
Saturday, 06 January 2018
by Hilda
I embraced the kimono and the cold shoulder fashion trends in 2017, though I had flirted briefly in 2016 with the latter. A full-blown romance was conducted with this particular fashion item so that even if it goes out of style any time soon, my purchases will not be leaving my wardrobe. Firstly, it is
- Published in Friends and Family, Home, News, Style & Beauty
Boutique shopping in Malahide.
Thursday, 21 April 2016
by Hilda
‘Paula’s’, formerly known as Elle B2, is more than a boutique. It is a meeting place, a coffee shop without the coffee, a confessional. While I was there, regulars were dropping in for a chat. Others were browsing; one regular was asking Paula to help choose a dress to go with a jacket from last
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty