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Jumpsuit June with ‘Style Not Age’
Monday, 26 June 2023
by Hilda
It was my turn to choose the theme for this month’s ‘Style Not Age’. And I have jumpsuits on the brain. So a little bit of alliteration to make it ‘Jumpsuit June’, which I thought would make it easy for us all. Jumpsuits are having a moment, aren’t they? But they are not always easy
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Anna's Island Style, fashion over 50, fashion post, isthismutton, jumpsuit, Jumpsuit June, mummabstylish, style not age, stylesplash
Emface Non-Surgical Face Lift Review
Thursday, 01 June 2023
by Hilda
I have been road-testing the new Emface. You might have seen it all over social media. It has just landed in Ireland and is being hailed as a non-surgical facelift. BTL AESTHETICS I was excited to try it as it comes from BTL Aesthetics, the same company who brought us Emsella, which I found highly
- Published in Beauty Treatments and Products, Home, News, Style & Beauty
‘Frilled To Bits’ is May challenge in ‘Style Not Age’
Monday, 29 May 2023
by Hilda
Anna chose this month’s theme of ‘Frilled to Bits’ and that is exactly what we are, now that summer seems to be here at last. I am doubly excited because it has coincided with the delivery of the dress (below) which perfectly fits the challenge. When asked to contribute to a feature on fashion in
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Beauty Spotlight Team Shares Top Tips in Beauty Fashion and Health
Saturday, 20 May 2023
by Hilda
Time for me to share some beauty and style posts from my Beauty Spotlight Team. We cover beauty, fashion and health topics in this week’s post so there is something for everyone. I am re-sharing one of my current favourite foundations. Like many of the newer foundations now this has skincare ingredients that elevates make-up
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Beauty Spotlight Team Round-Up
Saturday, 29 April 2023
by Hilda
This week’s blog round-up from the gang at the Beauty Spotlight Team brings you Hand Cream Gypsy Style Fashion Mini-reviews of Beauty Products My Irelands Eye Knitwear Gift Spongellé Daily Dose Hand Cream in Coconut Verbena …is the perfect way to keep your hands perfectly moisturised, and
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‘Style Not Age’ Bring Me Sunshine is April’s Theme
Monday, 24 April 2023
by Hilda
We are nearly in May and to date have seen very little sunshine this year. March was the wettest month on record and we had great hopes for April. Though we had a week of sunny days and some were actually warm, it did not last long. April showers are back again. Emma came up
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‘Denim But Not Jeans’ with Style Not Age
Monday, 27 March 2023
by Hilda
The challenge of Denim for our March ‘Style Not Age’ gang had me literally climbing the walls. I have two old summer denim jackets and I was not allowed to showcase denim jeans. So, I searched for a skirt or dress in local shops. There was nothing. Eventually, I found this over-sized jacket in Primark.
- Published in Home, Lifestyle & Leisure, News, Style & Beauty
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Anna's Island Style, denim, fashion post, isthismutton, mummabstylish, Primark, style not age, stylesplash
IrelandsEye Knitwear Wows with Solstice Collection
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
by Hilda
I recently had the pleasure of visiting IrelandsEye Knitwear Company whose factory is based in Baldoyle, Co Dublin. It is a sustainable, family-owned, knitwear business with a focus on creating contemporary Irish-made, hand-finished pieces. The business is run by brothers Paul and Brendan O’Sullivan, but all the family have been involved at some time in
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New and Improved Lancome Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation
Monday, 06 March 2023
by Hilda
I have been a fan of Lancome’s Teint Idole for a few years now and this new and improved Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation has given me more reasons to love it. There are now 50 shades, so I would be amazed if you did not find a shade to suit. CHOICE OF 50 SHADES
- Published in Beauty Treatments and Products, Home, News, Style & Beauty
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Lancome, Nu Foundation, Teint Idole, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Foundation, Yves Saint Laurent
All Buttoned Up with ‘Style Not Age’
Monday, 27 February 2023
by Hilda
Gail chose ‘Buttoned Up’ as our February ‘Style Not Age’ challenge. I was at a loss initially, but then found this cute Zara jacket at the back of the wardrobe. I can’t remember when I bought it, but I definitely have not worn it much. Now I know I will wear it more often, but
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Anna's Island Style, fashion post, isthismutton, mummabstylish, style not age, stylesplash
3 New Beauty Products to Hydrate your Skin
Sunday, 19 February 2023
by Hilda
How do we know what products to use when there is such a plethora of brands out there and so many different products. I rely on the experts to help me. And I am lucky to get sent products to try out. I can tell you what suits my skin and what works for me.
- Published in Beauty Treatments and Products, Home, News, Style & Beauty
January Blues with ‘Style Not Age’
Sunday, 29 January 2023
by Hilda
‘January Blues’ seemed an apt prompt for this month’s ‘Style Not Age’, as I have been feeling below par. You know how it is. Too much indulging over the Christmas season. We put the tree up at the end of November and that meant we started on the mince pies even earlier than usual. But
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Anna's Island Style, fashion post, isthismutton, January Blues, mummabstylish, style not age, stylesplash
My New Prai Beauty Products and The Beauty Spotlight Team Returns
Sunday, 15 January 2023
by Hilda
I am eager to tell you about Prai Beauty 24K Gold products and sharing some goodies from my friends on The Beauty Spotlight Team. If anything catches your eye, do click on the links to read more. I am including a link to an old post about the Prai Beauty brand. I was very impressed
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‘Style Not Age’ Sparkle and Shine for December
Monday, 26 December 2022
by Hilda
Hello, my friends. I hope like me you all had a lovely Christmas Day. We had the perfect Christmas with our girls and their families. Plus, I did not have to cook for the third year running. So, there was no stress for me. And to be honest, it would be difficult to match the
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‘Style Not Age’ give you Stripes and Spots for November
Monday, 28 November 2022
by Hilda
Can you wear stripes and spots together? Of course, you can. My friends in the ‘Style Not Age’ group showcase their stripey and spotty/dotty outfits this month. Surprisingly, we all had to go digging deep in our wardrobes for this challenge. I bought these faux leather trousers in Primark recently, but this was their first
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Anna's Island Style, fashion post, is this mutton, mummabstylish, stripes and spots, style not age, stylesplash
Orange You Glad It’s Halloween says ‘Style Not Age’.
Monday, 31 October 2022
by Hilda
‘Orange you glad it’s Halloween?’ Jacqui chose this month’s ‘Style Not Age’ prompt and thinking of pumpkins opted for orange. It is one of my favourite colours, though the deeper shades suit me better. In fact, I have written several posts about how much I love the colour and how wearing it makes me happy.
- Published in Home, News, Style & Beauty
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Anna's Island Style, fashion post, isthismutton, mummabstylish, orange, style not age, thestylesplash
The Beauty Spotlight Team’s October Tips
Friday, 21 October 2022
by Hilda
Hi everyone. It is time for The Beauty Spotlight gang to bring you their top tips this month. I hope you find something of interest. Today (October 21st) is World Osteoporosis Day. And every year, The Irish Osteoporosis Society runs a campaign to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of bone health. This
- Published in Health & Wellbeing, Home, News, Style & Beauty
Layered Lux this September with ‘Style Not Age’
Monday, 26 September 2022
by Hilda
In the last few days there has been a dip in temperature, particularly in the evenings. So, Gail’s prompt for September was perfect. ‘Layered Lux’ fitted in perfectly with last Saturday night, out with friends. We would be walking home, so I definitely would need a coat for the first time this Autumn. Below, you
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Beauty Spotlight Team Shares Tips
Sunday, 18 September 2022
by Hilda
Hello my friends. Can you believe we are nearly half way through September? We had a wonderful June and July in Ireland. Graham and I spent a few days in Cabu in Cavan with family and then a weekend in Center Parks with friends. Totally different experiences; both fabulous. I will write about them at
- Published in Beauty Treatments and Products, Friends and Family, Home, News, Style & Beauty
‘Style Not Age’ Showcases Maxi Madness
Monday, 29 August 2022
by Hilda
‘Style Not Age’ time again and this month the prompt is ‘Maxi Madness’. It was my turn to choose and I must admit I was keen to showcase a rather colourful mad maxi-skirt that I bought in a local boutique Studio 124. I wore it on our anniversary when we spent a night in The
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annasislandstyle, fashion over 50, fashion post, isthismutton, mummabstylish, style not age, stylesplash
Beauty Spotlight Team Share 5 Tips For Self Care
Saturday, 06 August 2022
by Hilda
Hi everyone. Can you believe it is August already? It is true that time goes faster the older I get. We are enjoying warm weather for the past month in Ireland, but we are not thankfully experiencing extremely high temperatures like other countries. Life is busy, but busy is good. Right? There is definitely no
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Summer Sizzlers with ‘Style Not Age’
Sunday, 24 July 2022
by Hilda
Well, the sun finally appeared and Anna chose Summer Sizzlers as her prompt for July’s ‘Style Not Age’. In Ireland, we have not seen the mad temperatures of the UK, but have had lovely warm days in the early 20s. I tend to cover up in the sun. And this sizzling orange linen shirt has
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The Beauty Spotlight Team Shares Their Latest Finds
Sunday, 17 July 2022
by Hilda
Hi everyone. It is Beauty Spotlight time again and my friends have lots of goodies to share. GG and I have returned from our Danube Cruise and I will be telling you all about it in my next post. Meanwhile Angie at Your True Self Blog loves to come up with outfit ideas to share
- Published in Beauty Treatments and Products, Home, News, Style & Beauty
‘Style Not Age’ goes Tutti Frutti for June
Monday, 27 June 2022
by Hilda
I decided to focus on orange, as you can see. Orange in all its hues is absolutely one of my favourite colours and I love its vibrancy. It makes me think of sunshine and sunflowers. Combining the energy of red and the vibrancy of yellow, it is a positive and uplifting colour associated with energy
- Published in Home, News, Style & Beauty
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Anna's Island Style, fashion, fashion post, isthismutton, mummabstylish, style not age, stylesplash, Tutti Frutti